[conda] Cannot understand unsatisfiable version conflict when updating conda recipe
Eric Roberts
2018-06-14 15:57:26 UTC

Recently I've updated a conda package I've been maintaing to include
support for both Python 2 and Python 3. There is an open pull request on
the Bioconda channel
Specfically I get the error from conda build:

conda.exceptions.UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were
found to be in conflict: - segtools==1.2.1=py35r341h39e3cac_0

I cannot understand what conda is telling me in terms of what is in
conflict. I can't understand why the conda package version number for
'segtools' I chose is in conflict with... some build number? In an "empty"
conda environment with Python 3.5 (or later) I can install the 'segtools'
package through Python without issue so I can't even tell if there's some
installation issue I'm overlooking.

Any help, insight, or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

- Eric
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